Friday, 24 December 2010
Thursday, 23 December 2010
2011 @ House Of Rainbow Fellowship

2011 @ House Of Rainbow Fellowship
Friday 4th February 2011, 6.30pm London
(and then on the first Friday of the month)
House Of Rainbow Fellowship presents a monthly Prayer and Praise evening in London on the first Fridays of the month, with an inclusive gospel of Jesus, celebrating the ineffable love of God for all people. Come Just as you are, to an inclusive space to pray and safe space to praise.
• House Of Rainbow Fellowship also meets on Wednesday 9th February 2011 in Manchester (further dates and activities to be confirmed)
About House Of Rainbow Fellowship
House Of Rainbow Fellowship is an inclusive and affirming religious community open and welcome to all people including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people, a monthly gathering of “People of Faith” for “Prayer and Praise”, which focuses on the person’s journey towards reconciliation of sexuality and spirituality.
House Of Rainbow Fellowship aim to provide an inclusive Christian theological focus and interpretation of Scriptures.
The vision of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship was birthed by Reverend Rowland Jide Macaulay, an openly gay African theologian. The style of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship is Pentecostal with “High Praise”, Prayers and Christian fellowship.
All are welcomed including;
• Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people (LGBTI)
• Parents and Friends of LGBTI people
Other important tools and resources:
Recommended Books:
Holy Bible
Pocket Devotional for LGBT Christians by Revd Rowland Jide Macaulay
The Children Are Free by Revd Jeff Miner & John Connolly
The Queer Bible Commentary Edited by Guest, Goss, West & Bohache
The Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid
Indecent Theology by Marcella Althaus-Reid
Take Back The Word Edited by Goss & West
Biblical Ethics & Homosexuality Edited by Robert L. Brawley
In the Eye of the Storm by Gene Robinson
Contact Us:
House Of Rainbow Fellowship &
Revd Rowland Jide Macaulay Ministries
Email: church@houseofrainbow.org
Phone: +442085583485; +44 (0) 7507 510 357
Find House Of Rainbow on Facebook/Twitter/Youtube
Skype & Yahoo ID; revjide
Information About Local Leaders
Information About Local Leaders
Volunteer Local Leaders Needed.
Are you Called to be a Local Leader? House Of Rainbow needs you.
Are you a devout Christian?
Do you believe in the inclusive Gospel of Jesus for All people?
Are you able to manage a small group of people?
Are you passionate about helping people?
Can you provide pastoral care?
Are you aged 18 and over?
If you say YES to all the above questions, then contact us for more information at Church@houseofrainbow.org

Please read these notes carefully before you complete the application form.
• Thank you for expressing interest in a post within House Of Rainbow Fellowship.
• These notes are intended to help you understand the role of Local Leaders. Please read them carefully before you complete and sign the form.
• See below details of the role and responsibilities of Local Leaders. These describe your role and what your position will involve and what we need from the person who is appointed.
• We are inviting you to give us information that will allow us to assess how closely you meet the requirements of Local Leadership. You may draw on all aspects of your life: education, employment, voluntary work, church, interests, and home life, for example.
• There is no education and training, experience, special knowledge and skills, or special qualities and attributes requirements except that we ask for the applicant to be passionate and willing to submit to the authority of the leadership of House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council.
• Please answer all the questions in each section.
• Our policy on references is that we cannot accept references from relatives or members of the family. At least one referee must be from a reputable organisation or member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) community.
• Only electronic applications are acceptable. Please scan your signatures for the form.
• We look forward to receiving your application. There are no deadlines for application.
For more Information BY EMAIL ONLY to:
House Of Rainbow Fellowship
e-mail: church@houseofrainbow.org
Telephone: +442085583485
Mobile: +447507510357
House Of Rainbow Fellowship Local Leader is a voluntary role without any stipend.
The development of Local Leaders is one of the objectives of House Of Rainbow Fellowship, this way we are able to meet the needs of marginalise Christians and or people of faith seeking an alternative safe space to join in corporate prayers, praise, devotion, discussions and bible study.
House Of Rainbow Fellowship Local Leaders initiative is about building a people of power and raising a people of praise
About House Of Rainbow Fellowship
House Of Rainbow Fellowship is an inclusive and affirming religious community open and welcome to all people including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people, a monthly gathering of “People of Faith” for “Prayer and Praise”, which focuses on the person’s journey towards reconciliation of sexuality and spirituality.
House Of Rainbow Fellowship aim to provide an inclusive Christian theological focus and interpretation of Scriptures.
The vision of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship was birthed by Reverend Rowland Jide Macaulay, an openly gay African theologian. The style of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship is Pentecostal with “High Praise”, Prayers and Christian fellowship.
House of Rainbow Fellowship is not exclusively for LGBTI people, all are welcome, we are not afraid to say that we are reaching out with a primary mission to the marginalised communities within the faith communities.
All are welcomed including;
• Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people (LGBTI)
• Parents and Friends of LGBTI people
Vision of House Of Rainbow Fellowship
House Of Rainbow Fellowship vision is to transform the Christian theology towards inclusion, Biblical teaching, interpretation and understanding that alienates and or discriminates, create a safe space and place for LGBTI people to meet and be celebrated by employing and engaging the ministries of theologians and academics.
Who are Voluntary Local leaders?
Local Leaders must be a practising Christian, they are people who are nominated, self nominated, appointed, selected for leadership etc.
Local Leaders must be aged 18 and over at the time of application.
Local Leaders can be a person of any age, race, background, gender and or sexual orientation. All we ask is that they are grounded in the understanding of inclusive gospel and Christian faith.
They will be responsible for leading prayers, devotion and reaching out to Christians including LGBTI people in the local area.
The group will consist of as little as 4 people and no maximum limits. We encourage a continuous development of smaller groups to avoid hostility in the case of a group getting too large.
They will be encouraged and supported by House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council.
Roles and Responsibilities of Local Leaders.
Local Leaders will organise the monthly meetings of House Of Rainbow Fellowship they will have the responsibility to advertise the time and location and also contact details for those that will attend.
They will take initiative and responsibility for security and safety of the meeting space.
Would at all times maintain integrity, discipline, loyalty and honesty in leadership.
Provide pastoral care to all members.
Teaching and discussion materials for the monthly group will be provided by House Of Rainbow Fellowship. This materials will include video aids, online links, devotional booklets and appropriate books will be supplied free of charge to the members.
Local Leaders will also have the responsibility of building a resource library for their members.
Local leaders will represent and share the information about the work of House Of Rainbow Fellowship locally.
Role of House Of Rainbow Fellowship
Provide support for Local Leaders and keep them informed and up to date of the overall fellowship mandate.
This condition of Voluntary service is not exhaustive and subject to periodic review in consultation with the Local Leader.
Offer technical support to Local Leaders in the implementation of Local Group and provide 6 - 12 monthly review of the Local group, leadership and pastoral care.
A letter of Appointment will be issue to appointed Local Leader only.
• A decision to reject an applicant because of, or partly because of inadequate information and insufficient reference, in such situation will may defer the applicant application pending further information.
• Generally, an applicant who is rejected will be advised of the reasons.
• An applicant who is rejected will not have a right of appeal.
• Where an individual is accepted by the House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council, and subsequently it becomes evident that the individual failed to disclose relevant information, the matter will be treated as a disciplinary issue and may result in dismissal.
Volunteer Local Leaders Needed.
Are you Called to be a Local Leader? House Of Rainbow needs you.
Are you a devout Christian?
Do you believe in the inclusive Gospel of Jesus for All people?
Are you able to manage a small group of people?
Are you passionate about helping people?
Can you provide pastoral care?
Are you aged 18 and over?
If you say YES to all the above questions, then contact us for more information at Church@houseofrainbow.org

Please read these notes carefully before you complete the application form.
• Thank you for expressing interest in a post within House Of Rainbow Fellowship.
• These notes are intended to help you understand the role of Local Leaders. Please read them carefully before you complete and sign the form.
• See below details of the role and responsibilities of Local Leaders. These describe your role and what your position will involve and what we need from the person who is appointed.
• We are inviting you to give us information that will allow us to assess how closely you meet the requirements of Local Leadership. You may draw on all aspects of your life: education, employment, voluntary work, church, interests, and home life, for example.
• There is no education and training, experience, special knowledge and skills, or special qualities and attributes requirements except that we ask for the applicant to be passionate and willing to submit to the authority of the leadership of House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council.
• Please answer all the questions in each section.
• Our policy on references is that we cannot accept references from relatives or members of the family. At least one referee must be from a reputable organisation or member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) community.
• Only electronic applications are acceptable. Please scan your signatures for the form.
• We look forward to receiving your application. There are no deadlines for application.
For more Information BY EMAIL ONLY to:
House Of Rainbow Fellowship
e-mail: church@houseofrainbow.org
Telephone: +442085583485
Mobile: +447507510357
House Of Rainbow Fellowship Local Leader is a voluntary role without any stipend.
The development of Local Leaders is one of the objectives of House Of Rainbow Fellowship, this way we are able to meet the needs of marginalise Christians and or people of faith seeking an alternative safe space to join in corporate prayers, praise, devotion, discussions and bible study.
House Of Rainbow Fellowship Local Leaders initiative is about building a people of power and raising a people of praise
About House Of Rainbow Fellowship
House Of Rainbow Fellowship is an inclusive and affirming religious community open and welcome to all people including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people, a monthly gathering of “People of Faith” for “Prayer and Praise”, which focuses on the person’s journey towards reconciliation of sexuality and spirituality.
House Of Rainbow Fellowship aim to provide an inclusive Christian theological focus and interpretation of Scriptures.
The vision of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship was birthed by Reverend Rowland Jide Macaulay, an openly gay African theologian. The style of the House Of Rainbow Fellowship is Pentecostal with “High Praise”, Prayers and Christian fellowship.
House of Rainbow Fellowship is not exclusively for LGBTI people, all are welcome, we are not afraid to say that we are reaching out with a primary mission to the marginalised communities within the faith communities.
All are welcomed including;
• Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex people (LGBTI)
• Parents and Friends of LGBTI people
Vision of House Of Rainbow Fellowship
House Of Rainbow Fellowship vision is to transform the Christian theology towards inclusion, Biblical teaching, interpretation and understanding that alienates and or discriminates, create a safe space and place for LGBTI people to meet and be celebrated by employing and engaging the ministries of theologians and academics.
Who are Voluntary Local leaders?
Local Leaders must be a practising Christian, they are people who are nominated, self nominated, appointed, selected for leadership etc.
Local Leaders must be aged 18 and over at the time of application.
Local Leaders can be a person of any age, race, background, gender and or sexual orientation. All we ask is that they are grounded in the understanding of inclusive gospel and Christian faith.
They will be responsible for leading prayers, devotion and reaching out to Christians including LGBTI people in the local area.
The group will consist of as little as 4 people and no maximum limits. We encourage a continuous development of smaller groups to avoid hostility in the case of a group getting too large.
They will be encouraged and supported by House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council.
Roles and Responsibilities of Local Leaders.
Local Leaders will organise the monthly meetings of House Of Rainbow Fellowship they will have the responsibility to advertise the time and location and also contact details for those that will attend.
They will take initiative and responsibility for security and safety of the meeting space.
Would at all times maintain integrity, discipline, loyalty and honesty in leadership.
Provide pastoral care to all members.
Teaching and discussion materials for the monthly group will be provided by House Of Rainbow Fellowship. This materials will include video aids, online links, devotional booklets and appropriate books will be supplied free of charge to the members.
Local Leaders will also have the responsibility of building a resource library for their members.
Local leaders will represent and share the information about the work of House Of Rainbow Fellowship locally.
Role of House Of Rainbow Fellowship
Provide support for Local Leaders and keep them informed and up to date of the overall fellowship mandate.
This condition of Voluntary service is not exhaustive and subject to periodic review in consultation with the Local Leader.
Offer technical support to Local Leaders in the implementation of Local Group and provide 6 - 12 monthly review of the Local group, leadership and pastoral care.
A letter of Appointment will be issue to appointed Local Leader only.
• A decision to reject an applicant because of, or partly because of inadequate information and insufficient reference, in such situation will may defer the applicant application pending further information.
• Generally, an applicant who is rejected will be advised of the reasons.
• An applicant who is rejected will not have a right of appeal.
• Where an individual is accepted by the House Of Rainbow Fellowship Council, and subsequently it becomes evident that the individual failed to disclose relevant information, the matter will be treated as a disciplinary issue and may result in dismissal.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010
World AIDS Day 2010 Message from House Of Rainbow

House OF Rainbow Fellowship World AIDS Day 2010 Message.
In John 9:2-4, Jesus was asked why the man was born blind. “Jesus answered, neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.”
We might ask that why are so many millions of people infected or affected with HIV and AIDS, I want you to know that this disease is nothing more than a global tragedy. It is not the will of God that any should suffer.
At House Of Rainbow we take care and time to pray and remember those afflicted by this disease, we pray with them, we touch them with our love and we know that they will always be our brothers and sisters.
HIV has affected all persons from infants to grannies, people of all race, creed, culture and gender, rich and poor nations are engulfed. The world is affected at large.
We suffer with those who suffer and our continuous deepest compassion goes to people and families who have lost their dearest to this disease.
World AIDS Day is a time to remember, acknowledge and celebrate the lives of the departed, may their soul rest in peace. Respect, dignity and prayers for long lives for those who are living with HIV and AIDS. This is a time that we can all acknowledge that the love of God for all people is far more important that the prejudice, stigma and discrimination attached to HIV and AIDS.
As we gather here in our community and all over the world in remembrance and contemplation of World AIDS Day, we pray that God will lead the finding and discovery of a cure. God will guide policy makers, the pharmaceutical and health care officials as they strive to find the best approach, medicinal cure and standard of care. Amen.
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