House OF Rainbow Fellowship World AIDS Day 2010 Message.
In John 9:2-4, Jesus was asked why the man was born blind. “Jesus answered, neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.”
We might ask that why are so many millions of people infected or affected with HIV and AIDS, I want you to know that this disease is nothing more than a global tragedy. It is not the will of God that any should suffer.
At House Of Rainbow we take care and time to pray and remember those afflicted by this disease, we pray with them, we touch them with our love and we know that they will always be our brothers and sisters.
HIV has affected all persons from infants to grannies, people of all race, creed, culture and gender, rich and poor nations are engulfed. The world is affected at large.
We suffer with those who suffer and our continuous deepest compassion goes to people and families who have lost their dearest to this disease.
World AIDS Day is a time to remember, acknowledge and celebrate the lives of the departed, may their soul rest in peace. Respect, dignity and prayers for long lives for those who are living with HIV and AIDS. This is a time that we can all acknowledge that the love of God for all people is far more important that the prejudice, stigma and discrimination attached to HIV and AIDS.
As we gather here in our community and all over the world in remembrance and contemplation of World AIDS Day, we pray that God will lead the finding and discovery of a cure. God will guide policy makers, the pharmaceutical and health care officials as they strive to find the best approach, medicinal cure and standard of care. Amen.
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