A prayer for David Kato, for LGBTI people, friends, allies, relatives and families.
We are free to worship God without fear; Holy and righteous all the days of our life.
God of glory and unquenchable Spirit,
May your Son direct us afresh to the fire of your presence
Where nothing may amaze us more than your love
Nothing may inspire us more than your forgiveness
And nothing may dazzle us more than your beauty.
(Keep Silence)
Disclosed to us in your world, your story and your Son Jesus Christ our Lord and also in our understanding of same gender love, a refreshing path to reconcile with you just as we are.
(Keep Silence)
O God, the author of peace and lover of concord
Whom to know is eternal life
Whose service is perfect freedom
Defend us your servant, whom you called Beloved
From all assaults of our enemies
That we, surely trusting in your defence
May not fear the power of any adversaries
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Keep Silence)
Tender God, gentle protector in time of trouble.
Pierce the gloom of despair and give us, with all your people, our friends, allies, families, at home and abroad, The song of freedom and the shout of praise
In Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Keep Silence)
God, remember not only the men and women of goodwill but all those of ill will. Do not only remember all the suffering they have subjected us to. Remember the fruits of our solidarities and campaigns, our comradeship, loyalty, humility, courage, generosity and the greatness of heart that all will be inspired. Amen
(Keep Silence)
Lighting of candles to remember David Kato and those tragically killed, maimed or injured because they are LGBTI.
Followed by the Prayer that Jesus thought us, “Our Father who art in heaven”.
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